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Accumulate More In A Coverdell ESA Account Vs A Taxable Account

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de una Coverdell ESA?

El aplazamiento del pago de impuestos puede tener un efecto dramático sobre el crecimiento de una inversión. Con la nueva Coverdell ESA (anteriormente conocida como IRA para educación), sus contribuciones pueden hacer crecer la tributación diferida y distribuirse como ingresos exentos de impuestos, siempre y cuando se utilicen para gastos educativos. Entre estos costos se incluyen uniformes escolares, computadoras y transporte para escuelas primarias o secundarias, que sean públicas, privadas o religiosas.

Se aplica un límite anual de $2,000 para un individuo menor de 18 años. Cuando el beneficiario alcanza los 18 años, puede tomar el control de la cuenta y tiene tiempo para usar los fondos hasta que cumpla 30 años, o transferirla a un hermano menor.

The ability to contribute to a Coverdell ESA is phased out based on the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). El plazo máximo para la contribución anual es el 15 de abril del año siguiente.




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Cuentas de ahorros para la educación Coverdell

The Coverdell education savings account (formerly the education IRA) is a tax-advantaged savings plan for post-secondary education. It is modeled on the standard IRA to give tax incentives to persons for saving for education.

Anyone may fund a Coverdell ESA for a single student (beneficiary); however, no more than $2,000 a year may be invested per student regardless of how many separate accounts are created. The contributions can be made until the student's 18th birthday. The contributions are not tax-deductible to the contributor and are subject to phase-out provisions based on the contributor's income; thus, after a certain amount of income, he or she cannot contribute. However, the earnings remain tax-free when they are withdrawn for qualified educational expenses. After the beneficiary attains age 30, withdrawals are no longer tax-free.

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Contribution Rules of Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

Anyone may fund a Coverdell education savings account (formerly education IRA) for a child (beneficiary). The maximum allowed contribution is $2,000 per year in aggregate, up until the beneficiary's 18th birthday, unless the beneficiary is a special-needs beneficiary. The earnings remain tax-free when they are withdrawn and used for qualified educational expenses. All assets must be distributed within 30 days of the beneficiary's attaining age 30, unless the beneficiary is a special-needs beneficiary.

It is important to note that contributions to Coverdell accounts are not tax deductible.

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Penalties on Withdrawals from a Coverdell Education Savings Account

There are tax penalties for non-qualified withdrawals from a Coverdell education savings account. Non-qualified withdrawals are those that are not withdrawn for qualified educational expenses. The IRS will consider any non-qualified withdrawal to be taxable income. All such withdrawals are subject to income tax on their earnings as well as the 10 percent penalty on early distributions. In the event of the death or disability of the beneficiary, the 10 percent penalty will not apply.

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  • Monto de ahorros anuales The annual amount between $0 and $2000 you will set aside in the Coverdell account.
  • Cantidad de años en que se hacen las contribucionesThe number of years you plan to make contributions to the Coverdell account.
  • Rendimiento sobre los ahorros antes de impuestosThe return you anticipate to receive on your college savings accounts.
  • Nivel tributario marginalUnlike the tax-deferred Coverdell account, enter the tax rate you would pay on any earnings in an alternative taxable college savings account. This rate will be used for comparison purposes.
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